The discoveries of new territories by exploring the unknown sea that happened from the 15th Century onwards revealed new worlds to the European medieval society and allowed for the start of a process we know today as "Globalization". Today's challenges worldwide are no less difficult or easy. They require a deep reflection on how did we get here and where do we want to go in the future. As the Globalization process is imposing new pressures on the way people live their life and, as a consequence, on their quality of life, we need to encourage actions for helping people live happier and more fulfilled lives.

The "long march" done by the ISQOLS pioneers in the study of quality of life and on measuring progress through reliable and meaningful social indicators has made a major contribution towards understanding what counts to enhance people's quality of life, as well as consequences for society. But as new challenges are being faced in these entailing days, scholars and practitioners in the critical domain of quality-of-life studies need to search for new terrains and frontiers.
In a world characterized by increasing levels of uncertainty, insecurity and mobility, quality of life models need to discover new concepts and theories that best help us to keep the pace in understanding how people can increase their personal and social well-being through new adaptation strategies.
Just like Marco Polo adventured in an unknown, uncertain and insecure dangerous land, so do quality-of-life specialists need to face today's challenges with the necessary optimism, self-confidence and new knowledge. For all of this, Venice is for sure the best place to discover these new insights in QOL research and practice.

We look forward to welcoming you to XI ISQOLS Conference in Venice!